JAMBO TELEMATICS is a tech company that powers businesses, corporates, and industries through the use of the Internet of Things and tech software. The company was established to automate, streamline and track organization and industry operations for maximal productivity and success.
JAMBO TELEMATICS uses our special web and mobile application, and a number of tech products to support businesses in Tanzania and beyond.
We support businesses with fleet management and monitoring, industries and commercials with fuel management and control, and also install and conduct maintenance of Genset Generators for factories and hospital facilities.
Our system uses IoT, coupled with Real Data that is quantitatively, and qualitatively analyzed and presented in the user dashboard to influence decision making.
JAMBO TELEMATICS is a sister company of Jambo Freight Limited, and our sole Purpose is to provide sustainable mobility through connectivity.
Jambo Telematics Limited's mission is to make business processes effective with the Internet of things technology, and to provide financial and nonfinancial advantages like increasing revenue, and improving safety, security, and quality of life.
We vision a future where the Internet of Things will revolutionize the world through digital transformation to build a progressive and sustainable business environment.